Online gourmet searching: Is it time for an innovation?

Back in 2012, it might have been a glorious time for An online gourmet search which was invested by CyberAgent. What now?

Food is something which brings us energy. Then, with the development, human turns food into an art. Gradually, food attach to social events. For example, you can’t have a huge birthday party with exquisite good food, but sadly, none can find the place where you hold your party. Too isolated or too complicated to reach.

Looking back at searching best food location, what do you think of this old idea? When you bring many options on table, it is extremely hard to decide which one to choose. Besides, will the customers come back for more? Or they just drop by once for curiosity or an urge to try something new.

When the world is full of options and choices, customers will come to find the one which suits them best. What makes you stand out from the competition? The food, the location or the promotion? Why not think in a new box? Make it simple, sometimes people only need to find a place for hanging out. There are many places, such as coffee shops or small dinning places, in Ho Chi Minh City. Some come up with a very good theme in decoration or an distinguish atmosphere for informal gathering. The thing is people haven’t known about the existence of these places. Then, there come a solution. Everyone using smart phone with Internet connection. What if they could do a simple search to find a great place near them with assistance from a mobile application? When geographic distance becomes an itchy issue due to the non-stop escalating price of gasoline, a near-by location will be a good choice. It even saves time for commuting to the desired place when you can reach some place better just a few miles away. Try something new and simple. Why not? It costs you nothing. Besides, it also triggers your sense of exploration. I guess it is the reason of the birth of It is an old problem with new solution.

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